Who We Are - Our Board of Directors
5280 Explorers is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit company located in Colorado, USA. We have all traveled as young people, and know first hand how that experience changed how we view and value the world. We feel strongly that in becoming a non-profit corporation, we can help more students of diverse backgrounds reach for these educational travel opportunities.
With an Irish friend
Claudia Kean
Chief Executive Officer
Claudia is a Founder of 5280 Explorers and has taught middle school for many years. She has been our Group Leader for our tours to date.
1969-1971 student in Laos,returning for class reunions
High school students to Japan with Longmont Sister Cities
Professional development to China, Japan, and Cambodia.
Married with two sons, a granddaughter, loves horses, skiing and mountain biking
Windy Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
Angie LeVasseur
Director of Tours
Angie is a Co-Founder of 5280 Explorers, and has been teaching for over 20 years.
Student travel to Europe and Australia
Taken students to Japan with Aspen Sister Cities
Counselor and unit director at youth summer camp in MI
Guided students on climbing, rafting, and cross-country ski trips
MA in Experiential Education
Mother of two teenagers and love doing anything outside
At Sorrento, Italy
Hayley ConNely
Assistant director of tours
Hayley has been teaching for over 15 years, including teaching English in China in 2005.
Washington, DC trips with 8th grade
Chaperoned 6th graders on District Outdoor Education programs for 3 years
Studied in Rome, Italy during undergraduate program
Traveled with students to Florida and Mexico
Masters in Literacy from the University of Colorado