5280 Explorers is a partnership. Our close relationships with EF Tours, our teachers, our Lead Explorers, and our outstanding families make these journeys happen.
Here, you'll learn about the people that get us on the road.
Our Travel Partner:
Ef tours
EF Tours has been in business for over 55 years. EF stands for Education First, and their mission is the same as ours; to further connection between people and cultures around the world. Go to their link on the right to learn all about their deep commitment to experiential learning, and cultural connections.
Once we select a tour, EF supports us throughout, even customizing tours if that's what we need. EF handles all logistics in the destination countries, and arranges all of our travel, hotels, and meals. Our Tour Consultant in Denver helps us with planning, roll-out of new tours, and answers and solves any questions that arise. Our EF Tour Director meets us in our first destination country and stays with us during the entire trip, 24/7.
Our Teacher Partners
5280 Explorers does not open these tours to just anyone. Students need to have the recommendation of a teacher or coach to be invited to an upcoming tour's Roll-Out Informational Meeting, presented by our 5280 Explorers leadership. We ask teachers to recommend students that have the right character... curiosity, a willingness to push past the comfort zone, responsibility, ability to work with others, and honesty. Teachers will send our information about upcoming tours to those parents, thereby nominating those students. This Roll-Out meeting occurs about a year and a half before a trip departs, giving plenty of time for learning, fundraising, and bonding.
tEACHERS AS Lead Explorers
We bring approximately one qualified adult Lead Explorer for every 6-8 travelers. Our Leaders are teachers or school administrators who have years of experience in working with students. These professionals are licensed and have had background checks, and are people we know and trust. We sometimes have parents or grandparents traveling with their young student. These adults are not placed in a position of authority over the travelers; we want them to have fun, enjoy their travels, and not have to be counting heads!
Our Parent/guardian partners
Parent and guardian support is essential. We meet with the new tour groups in early fall, several months after the enrollment process is complete. Parents will need to get their students to meetings, about every 2 months. Parents can stay for these meetings, but must always stay tuned for the information their traveling students are learning. Communication is extremely important, and we use several methods to keep everyone informed. It takes a team! And of course, we are always there for families, to answer any questions that arise.
If you are interested in travel with us, or have questions about our organization, please contact us and we will get back with you as soon as possible.