You can make a difference. Donors to 5280 Explorers give students priceless  international experience and personal growth. Sow the seeds of positive change in the world.

5280 Explorers is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, and will be offering students scholarships to supplement the savings for their educational tours. Our goal is to make sure that ALL students who meet our criteria get an equal opportunity to go. These are students who have earned their invitation to travel; they are hardworking, responsible people with a record of integrity. These kids are the future, and we want it to be the best it can be.

All donations are tax deductible.
Any amount is WELCOMED.

To donate, Click Button below.

Or, You can mail checks made out to 5280 Explorers to:

5280 Explorers
2525 Arapahoe Avenue
Suite E4-624
Boulder, CO 80302